(CLICK photo above to download Evergreens word scramble)

Evergreens word scramble- ANSWER KEY


Williams Tree Farm Tour

The Evergreen Adventure for Tots


The Illinois Agriculture in the Classroom Ag Mags are 4-page, colorful agricultural magazines for kids. They contain information about agriculture, bright pictures, classroom activities and agricultural careers. Ag Mags come in classroom packs of 30 and are free to all Illinois teachers.  Contact your County Ag Literacy Coordinator or County Farm Bureau office to order yours today!

Electronic and Interactive Ag Mags

(CLICK photo above to download Milk- Farm to You Coloring Sheet)


Cross-Wake Dairy


(CLICK photo above to download the Throw and Grow Activity Sheet)

Pollinator Ag Mag

June is National Dairy Month!

(CLICK photo above to download the Ice Cream in a Bag Recipe)

Kids Corner

Fall also brings the family together in the kitchen.  Have the kids make their own pumpkin pie in a bag!

(CLICK photo above to download the Corn Plastic Activity)


Check out our kid friendly YouTube channel for Virtual Farm Tours and activities you can do at home!

(CLICK photo above to download Crossword Puzzle)

Turkey Talk Crossword Answer Key


Farm Tour at the Newhouse Farm

Turkey Talk for Tots