FarmWeek- published June 23, 2017
June 9, 2017- includes List of Share Holders
June 22, 2017- includes Financial Statements
STB ruled that GLBT’s application was incomplete and they ordered STB to submit supplemental information by June 22, 2017.
The deadlines imposed by the STB’s regulations for comments on the transportation merits of the application are tolled. The STB will issue a subsequent order IF GLBT submits the information requested by June 22, 2017 and then the STB will address the requests for an extension of time. Click here to read STB's Order.
STB entered an order waiving the service of process requirement for individuals who submit comments to the STB on GLBT’s application. Click here to read STB's Order.
Beloit Daily News 3.19.2016
Beloit Daily News- 3.19.2016: Hearing
Beloit Daily News 3.12.2016
Chicago Tribune 3.21.2016
Chicago Tribune 10.1.2015
Farm Progress 6.28.2016 Eminent Domain
NWI Times 4.9.2016
NWI Times 11.10.2013
Prairie Farmer on Eminent Domain 6.28.16
Progress IL 5.11.2015- Train Hazmat Spills
Progressive Railroading 3.21.2016
Reboot IL Letter to Editor 5.16.2016
Rockford Register Star 6.9.17- Calvary Cemetery
Rockford Register Star 4.29.2016
The Devil's Advocates Radio-WI 5.20.16
The Farmer's Exchange 4.29.2016
The Washington Times 5.27.2016
The Winnebago-Boone Farm Bureau is opposed to the Great Lakes Basin Rail project at this time, but our organization will continue to evaluate the project and has the right to change our position if the economic interests and benefits outweigh the costs. April 15, 2016.
Summary of STB Process for new railroad construction projects
Summary of Environmental Review Process before the STB
STB Docket which has the filings submitted to the STB
Surface Transportation Board- EIS
Great Lakes Basin
Boone County, IL
Boone Co, IL Printable map book of proposed route (PDF)
Boone County Online mapping application of the proposed railroad route with additional Boone County information such as parcel boundaries, road names and municipal boundaries
Amtrak Study (released in 2015)
The Surface Transportation Board voted today (8/31/2017) to reject the proposed Great Lakes Basin Rail Line.
The STB’s five-page decision is attached. STB found the application incomplete and GLBT’s assets of $151 “so clearly deficient for purposes of constructing a 261-mile rail line that the Board will not proceed with this application given the impacts on stakeholders and the demands upon Board resources.”
The STB decision concludes:
1. The application is rejected.
2. The environmental review is discontinued.
3. The petitions for rejection of GLBT’s application filed by the Opposition Groups, Save Our Farmland, and ELPC are dismissed as moot.
The Board acknowledged the comments filed by U.S. Senator Richard Durbin, U.S. Representatives Robin Kelly and Adam Kinzinger, state and local officials and entities, and numerous comments filed by individual private citizens.
Farm Bureau
Copyright Winnebago-Boone Farm Bureau. All rights reserved.